Military British Empire Medal CH WRN CHARLOTTE G M MORGAN 86 WRNS, Defence & War Medals unnamed as issued.
BEM LG 9th Jun 1949 - Has served in the WRNS since 2 October, 1939, first as Quarters Assistant and subsequently as an EVT Instructor. As the senior WRNS rating in H.M.S. Ganges since September, 1946, she has shown outstanding devotion to duty not only in her normal work, but by devoting most of her leisure time to the well-being of the community. This has included much time spent working at hobbies and handicrafts with Boys in Sick Quarters. She has at all times set a fine example of cheerful and loyal service; her age and seniority combined with her unselfish character have made her the ideal guide and counsellor to the WRNS ratings.
Charlotte Gwenllian Mary Morganlived at Stone Cottage, Holnest, Sherborne, Dorset. TheWestern Daily Pressof 14 March 1981 notes that she died at Yeovil District Hospital on 12 March 1981.
Sold with named Buckingham Palace enclosure for the BEM; admiralty enclosure for the Second World War Medals; and named admiralty letter announcing the award of the BEM.