Queens Sudan Medal engraved naming 2822 PTE H HARVEY 1/LIN:R & Khedives Sudan Medal clasps The Atbara & Khartoum named 2822 PTE H HARVEY 1ST LINC R.
Henry Harvey born 1867 in Glasgow, an unemployed iron moulder enlisted into the 1st Lincolnshire Regt numbered 2822 on 7th Aug 1891. After training they were sent to East Indies, Straits Settlements, Malta, Egypt for the Sudan Campaign until returning to UK in Oct 1898. He got into trouble early in his career for not turning up on parade and using bad language for which he received 6 months imprisonment. He left service in Oct 1898.
On 18th Dec 1898 he was recalled to serve in the Boer War earning himself the QSA clasps Cape Colony, Paardeberg & Johannesburg as well as the 2 clasp KSA. Discharged again on 6th Aug 1903. When WW1 came he volunteered again for the 1st Lincolnshire Regt numbered 9439 landing in France on 26th Oct 1914. Wounded in action in Nov 1914 with a Bayonet Wound to left hand. Sent back to the frontline he suffered another Wounded in Action on 16th Jun 1915 with Sharpnel Wound to Head. In Mar 1916 by now a 42 year old soldier his fitness gave up with him suffering fatigue and breathlessness, so was declare unfit for military service receiving a Silver War Badge. He died on 4th Dec 1919